



返回 2022.06.21 來(lái)源:http://www.51credits.cn 0
機(jī)器上的油漆,這個(gè)可以直觀的看出瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組是翻新還是重新噴漆; 一般來(lái)說(shuō),機(jī)器上的油漆比較均勻,沒(méi)有油流的跡象。 而且給人一種很純粹的感覺(jué)。
For the paint on the machine, you can intuitively see whether the gas generator set is renovated or repainted; Generally speaking, the paint on the machine is relatively uniform, and there is no sign of oil flow. And it gives people a very pure feeling.
標(biāo)簽。 一般不翻新的機(jī)器標(biāo)簽一次性貼到位,沒(méi)有被掀起的感覺(jué),發(fā)電機(jī)租賃設(shè)備的所有標(biāo)簽都沒(méi)有涂漆。
label. Generally, the machine labels that are not refurbished are pasted in place at one time, without the feeling of being lifted. All labels of generator rental equipment are not painted.
線管、水箱蓋和油蓋,因?yàn)樵诮M裝發(fā)電機(jī)租賃設(shè)備時(shí),通常是先組裝測(cè)試,然后再布置控制線管。 如果油蓋有明顯的黑色油跡,則懷疑發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)是翻新的。 一般新的水箱蓋很干凈,但是如果是二手發(fā)電機(jī)租賃設(shè)備,水箱蓋一般會(huì)有黃色的痕跡。
The line pipe, water tank cover and oil cover are usually assembled and tested before the control line pipe is arranged when the generator rental equipment is assembled. If the oil cap has obvious black oil stains, it is suspected that the engine is refurbished. Generally, the new water tank cover is very clean, but if it is a second-hand generator rental equipment, the water tank cover will generally have a yellow trace.
機(jī)油,如果是全新的瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組租賃設(shè)備,內(nèi)部零件都是全新的,行駛幾次后油不會(huì)變黑。 油會(huì)在幾分鐘內(nèi)變黑。
The engine oil, if it is a brand-new leased equipment of gas generator set, the internal parts are brand-new, and the oil will not turn black after driving several times. The oil will turn black in a few minutes.
(1) There is no need to inject a large amount of initial funds, and the funds can be used in other places that need more investment
(2) The cost of lease is rent, which simplifies the purchase process, expenditure and preparation of accounts. The financial department can conduct more accurate cost accounting for the project according to the rent cost, without monthly depreciation cost
(3) There is no maintenance cost. The maintenance and repair costs have been included in the rent. There is no need to purchase spare parts, repair personnel, workshops, or regular maintenance.
(4) Reduce idle time, rent only when you need it, and pay it back when you don't need it
(5) There is no cost to place the site, and there is no need to invest in the site fees for leasing, and there is no need to pay any site maintenance fees
(6) There is no abandonment cost. The lease does not need to worry about how to sell the equipment at the end of its service life, including equipment cleaning, advertising and meeting with buyers
(7) The right equipment to ensure that you find the right equipment for the job so that the job can be completed safely and properly
(8) There is no need to hire engineers, and no need to hire special personnel for operation and maintenance
(9) If it is a long-term power demand, it is a very low-cost method to test whether the equipment matches its own application scenarios by assuming that it is rented and sold on a commission basis. If it is not easy to use, it will be refunded, and if it is easy to use, it will be used.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.51credits.cn 。
  • 服務(wù)熱線



機(jī)器上的油漆,這個(gè)可以直觀的看出瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組是翻新還是重新噴漆; 一般來(lái)說(shuō),機(jī)器上的油漆比較均勻,沒(méi)有油流的跡象。 而且給人一種很純粹的感覺(jué)。
For the paint on the machine, you can intuitively see whether the gas generator set is renovated or repainted; Generally speaking, the paint on the machine is relatively uniform, and there is no sign of oil flow. And it gives people a very pure feeling.
標(biāo)簽。 一般不翻新的機(jī)器標(biāo)簽一次性貼到位,沒(méi)有被掀起的感覺(jué),發(fā)電機(jī)租賃設(shè)備的所有標(biāo)簽都沒(méi)有涂漆。
label. Generally, the machine labels that are not refurbished are pasted in place at one time, without the feeling of being lifted. All labels of generator rental equipment are not painted.
線管、水箱蓋和油蓋,因?yàn)樵诮M裝發(fā)電機(jī)租賃設(shè)備時(shí),通常是先組裝測(cè)試,然后再布置控制線管。 如果油蓋有明顯的黑色油跡,則懷疑發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)是翻新的。 一般新的水箱蓋很干凈,但是如果是二手發(fā)電機(jī)租賃設(shè)備,水箱蓋一般會(huì)有黃色的痕跡。
The line pipe, water tank cover and oil cover are usually assembled and tested before the control line pipe is arranged when the generator rental equipment is assembled. If the oil cap has obvious black oil stains, it is suspected that the engine is refurbished. Generally, the new water tank cover is very clean, but if it is a second-hand generator rental equipment, the water tank cover will generally have a yellow trace.
機(jī)油,如果是全新的瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組租賃設(shè)備,內(nèi)部零件都是全新的,行駛幾次后油不會(huì)變黑。 油會(huì)在幾分鐘內(nèi)變黑。
The engine oil, if it is a brand-new leased equipment of gas generator set, the internal parts are brand-new, and the oil will not turn black after driving several times. The oil will turn black in a few minutes.
(1) There is no need to inject a large amount of initial funds, and the funds can be used in other places that need more investment
(2) The cost of lease is rent, which simplifies the purchase process, expenditure and preparation of accounts. The financial department can conduct more accurate cost accounting for the project according to the rent cost, without monthly depreciation cost
(3) There is no maintenance cost. The maintenance and repair costs have been included in the rent. There is no need to purchase spare parts, repair personnel, workshops, or regular maintenance.
(4) Reduce idle time, rent only when you need it, and pay it back when you don't need it
(5) There is no cost to place the site, and there is no need to invest in the site fees for leasing, and there is no need to pay any site maintenance fees
(6) There is no abandonment cost. The lease does not need to worry about how to sell the equipment at the end of its service life, including equipment cleaning, advertising and meeting with buyers
(7) The right equipment to ensure that you find the right equipment for the job so that the job can be completed safely and properly
(8) There is no need to hire engineers, and no need to hire special personnel for operation and maintenance
(9) If it is a long-term power demand, it is a very low-cost method to test whether the equipment matches its own application scenarios by assuming that it is rented and sold on a commission basis. If it is not easy to use, it will be refunded, and if it is easy to use, it will be used.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.51credits.cn 。