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返回 2020.03.24 來源:http://www.51credits.cn 0
  Adjust the axial clearance of the camshaft of the biogas generator set. Due to the thermal expansion of camshaft during operation, a certain axial clearance is required. However, if the clearance is too large, more than 2.5mm, it will lead to the axial movement of the camshaft and increase the wear of the parts. In addition, the change of camshaft position will cause the change of gas distribution phase, which will affect the normal operation of Shandong biogas generator. Therefore, the camshaft should be positioned axially. When the generator is working, it is necessary to adjust the clearance of the camshaft due to the wear and looseness of the parts, or after the removal of the timing gearbox cover, so as to ensure the normal operation of the camshaft. The axial positioning of the generator camshaft is realized by the thrust screw on the gearbox cover. When adjusting, tighten the thrust pin to the end, eliminate the axial clearance, and then return about 1 / 4 turn.
  Do not block the exhaust port of the generator crankcase. In the working process of the generator, whenever the piston drops, the gas in the crankcase (including the leaked gas) is compressed, and the gas pressure in the crankcase increases, which causes the oil leakage on the joint surface of the oil pan and produces resistance to the movement of the piston. Therefore, the generator crankcase should have an exhaust port.
  The exhaust position of crankcase is different for different types of generator, but its working principle is the same, that is, the working principle of one-way valve. When the piston moves from the dead point to the dead point, the crankcase pressure increases, and the valve is opened to discharge the gas; when the piston moves from the bottom to the top, the crankcase pressure decreases to the negative pressure with the increase of space. The negative pressure makes the valve block the passage between the crankcase and the outside, prevents the outside dust from entering the crankcase, keeps the lubricating oil clean, and reduces the chance of lubricating oil leakage when the generator is working. Therefore, the fan of generator crankcase shall be kept unblocked to ensure the exhaust of crankcase.
  The correct analysis of the crankshaft failure of biogas generator set曲軸燒蝕主要是由于曲軸軸頸與軸瓦之間沒有形成有效的潤滑膜,導(dǎo)致曲軸軸頸與軸瓦之間產(chǎn)生直接的摩擦。當(dāng)發(fā)電機發(fā)生曲軸燒蝕時,會發(fā)出白煙、金屬撞擊的奇怪聲音,甚至?xí)?dǎo)致曲軸與軸瓦鎖在一起而無法轉(zhuǎn)動。因此,必須正確分析和判斷其失效的原因。
  The main reason of crankshaft ablation is that there is no effective lubricating film between crankshaft journal and bearing bush, which leads to direct friction between crankshaft journal and bearing bush. When the crankshaft of the generator is ablated, it will make a strange sound of white smoke and metal impact, and even lead to the crankshaft and bearing shell locked together and unable to rotate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly analyze and judge the cause of its failure.
  First, the quality of oil products is poor低質(zhì)量的石油。所選用的油品質(zhì)量等級和粘度等級較低,或不同品牌的油混合使用,導(dǎo)致油品性能不能滿足要求;機油在使用過程中混入大量的粉塵,由于發(fā)電機工作溫度高,導(dǎo)致機油氧化變質(zhì)。氧化變質(zhì)的油呈黑色,變鈍,濃度增加,用兩指擰油,感覺油變稀。一旦注油泵和潤滑油通道可以檢查發(fā)電機上部是否有水氣或水珠。如果石油股票是不夠的,將導(dǎo)致發(fā)電機潤滑油流量不足,然后不能確保發(fā)電機可以檢查油底殼的油量,油壓力表閱讀,進一步檢查石油管道是否堵塞、泄漏和其他異?,F(xiàn)象。
  Low quality oil. The quality grade and viscosity grade of the selected oil are low, or different brands of oil are mixed, resulting in the performance of the oil can not meet the requirements; a large amount of dust is mixed into the oil during the use process, resulting in the oxidation and deterioration of the oil due to the high working temperature of the generator. The oxidized oil is black, blunt, and the concentration is increased. Screw the oil with two fingers, and the oil becomes thinner. Once the oil pump and lubricating oil channel are filled, check whether there is water vapor or water drop on the upper part of the generator. If the oil stock is not enough, it will lead to insufficient lubricating oil flow of the generator, and then it cannot be ensured that the generator can check the oil volume of the oil pan, read the oil pressure gauge, and further check whether the oil pipeline is blocked, leaked and other abnormal phenomena.
  The dynamic balance of crankshaft, flywheel and clutch is out of tolerance當(dāng)動平衡超差時,曲軸的高速轉(zhuǎn)動產(chǎn)生慣性力,慣性力會破壞曲軸軸頸與軸瓦之間的配合間隙。
  When the dynamic balance is out of tolerance, the high-speed rotation of crankshaft will produce inertia force, which will destroy the fit clearance between crankshaft journal and bearing bush.
  The fault usually occurs after the machine runs 10000 km. After the crankshaft is ablated, the residual debris on the journal can be removed and the dynamic balance can be checked again. The unbalance can basically represent the out of tolerance of dynamic balance of ablation journals.
  Improper maintenance
  If the biogas generator unit is not maintained timely and reasonably after a period of operation, it will lead to the wear, failure and deformation of oil pump pressure limiting valve and other components. The engine oil filter element blocks the engine oil and mud, reduces the engine oil pressure and causes the crankshaft to be ablated.
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  Adjust the axial clearance of the camshaft of the biogas generator set. Due to the thermal expansion of camshaft during operation, a certain axial clearance is required. However, if the clearance is too large, more than 2.5mm, it will lead to the axial movement of the camshaft and increase the wear of the parts. In addition, the change of camshaft position will cause the change of gas distribution phase, which will affect the normal operation of Shandong biogas generator. Therefore, the camshaft should be positioned axially. When the generator is working, it is necessary to adjust the clearance of the camshaft due to the wear and looseness of the parts, or after the removal of the timing gearbox cover, so as to ensure the normal operation of the camshaft. The axial positioning of the generator camshaft is realized by the thrust screw on the gearbox cover. When adjusting, tighten the thrust pin to the end, eliminate the axial clearance, and then return about 1 / 4 turn.
  Do not block the exhaust port of the generator crankcase. In the working process of the generator, whenever the piston drops, the gas in the crankcase (including the leaked gas) is compressed, and the gas pressure in the crankcase increases, which causes the oil leakage on the joint surface of the oil pan and produces resistance to the movement of the piston. Therefore, the generator crankcase should have an exhaust port.
  The exhaust position of crankcase is different for different types of generator, but its working principle is the same, that is, the working principle of one-way valve. When the piston moves from the dead point to the dead point, the crankcase pressure increases, and the valve is opened to discharge the gas; when the piston moves from the bottom to the top, the crankcase pressure decreases to the negative pressure with the increase of space. The negative pressure makes the valve block the passage between the crankcase and the outside, prevents the outside dust from entering the crankcase, keeps the lubricating oil clean, and reduces the chance of lubricating oil leakage when the generator is working. Therefore, the fan of generator crankcase shall be kept unblocked to ensure the exhaust of crankcase.
  The correct analysis of the crankshaft failure of biogas generator set曲軸燒蝕主要是由于曲軸軸頸與軸瓦之間沒有形成有效的潤滑膜,導(dǎo)致曲軸軸頸與軸瓦之間產(chǎn)生直接的摩擦。當(dāng)發(fā)電機發(fā)生曲軸燒蝕時,會發(fā)出白煙、金屬撞擊的奇怪聲音,甚至?xí)?dǎo)致曲軸與軸瓦鎖在一起而無法轉(zhuǎn)動。因此,必須正確分析和判斷其失效的原因。
  The main reason of crankshaft ablation is that there is no effective lubricating film between crankshaft journal and bearing bush, which leads to direct friction between crankshaft journal and bearing bush. When the crankshaft of the generator is ablated, it will make a strange sound of white smoke and metal impact, and even lead to the crankshaft and bearing shell locked together and unable to rotate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly analyze and judge the cause of its failure.
  First, the quality of oil products is poor低質(zhì)量的石油。所選用的油品質(zhì)量等級和粘度等級較低,或不同品牌的油混合使用,導(dǎo)致油品性能不能滿足要求;機油在使用過程中混入大量的粉塵,由于發(fā)電機工作溫度高,導(dǎo)致機油氧化變質(zhì)。氧化變質(zhì)的油呈黑色,變鈍,濃度增加,用兩指擰油,感覺油變稀。一旦注油泵和潤滑油通道可以檢查發(fā)電機上部是否有水氣或水珠。如果石油股票是不夠的,將導(dǎo)致發(fā)電機潤滑油流量不足,然后不能確保發(fā)電機可以檢查油底殼的油量,油壓力表閱讀,進一步檢查石油管道是否堵塞、泄漏和其他異?,F(xiàn)象。
  Low quality oil. The quality grade and viscosity grade of the selected oil are low, or different brands of oil are mixed, resulting in the performance of the oil can not meet the requirements; a large amount of dust is mixed into the oil during the use process, resulting in the oxidation and deterioration of the oil due to the high working temperature of the generator. The oxidized oil is black, blunt, and the concentration is increased. Screw the oil with two fingers, and the oil becomes thinner. Once the oil pump and lubricating oil channel are filled, check whether there is water vapor or water drop on the upper part of the generator. If the oil stock is not enough, it will lead to insufficient lubricating oil flow of the generator, and then it cannot be ensured that the generator can check the oil volume of the oil pan, read the oil pressure gauge, and further check whether the oil pipeline is blocked, leaked and other abnormal phenomena.
  The dynamic balance of crankshaft, flywheel and clutch is out of tolerance當(dāng)動平衡超差時,曲軸的高速轉(zhuǎn)動產(chǎn)生慣性力,慣性力會破壞曲軸軸頸與軸瓦之間的配合間隙。
  When the dynamic balance is out of tolerance, the high-speed rotation of crankshaft will produce inertia force, which will destroy the fit clearance between crankshaft journal and bearing bush.
  The fault usually occurs after the machine runs 10000 km. After the crankshaft is ablated, the residual debris on the journal can be removed and the dynamic balance can be checked again. The unbalance can basically represent the out of tolerance of dynamic balance of ablation journals.
  Improper maintenance
  If the biogas generator unit is not maintained timely and reasonably after a period of operation, it will lead to the wear, failure and deformation of oil pump pressure limiting valve and other components. The engine oil filter element blocks the engine oil and mud, reduces the engine oil pressure and causes the crankshaft to be ablated.