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返回 2022.02.25 來源:http://www.51credits.cn 0
隨著工業(yè)化的不斷發(fā)展,現(xiàn)在的生活或工業(yè)生產(chǎn)垃圾填埋后經(jīng)連續(xù)發(fā)酵會(huì)形成富含甲烷氣體的很多沼氣,搜集并開發(fā)利用沼氣不但能夠高 效防控有害氣體環(huán)境污染還能產(chǎn)生社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。如何利用沼氣來發(fā)揮價(jià)值呢,今天帶大家一起來學(xué)習(xí)一下:如何挑選沼氣發(fā)電機(jī)組?
With the continuous development of industrialization, many biogas rich in methane gas will be formed after continuous fermentation of domestic or industrial production waste landfill. The collection, development and utilization of biogas can not only effectively prevent and control harmful gas environmental pollution, but also produce social and economic benefits. How to use biogas to bring value into play? Today, let's learn: how to select biogas generator sets?
Jinan jichai Huanneng gas-fired power generation equipment large-scale biogas generator set manufacturer summarizes several suggestions when selecting biogas generator set procurement:
1. Select the appropriate installed capacity according to the biogas production to prevent the idle use of machinery and equipment or the waste of biogas;
2. The market share of biogas generators of about 1000kW is high, the price is high, and the cost of maintenance, overhaul and maintenance is relatively low;
3. When there are multiple generator sets, the same specification and model of about 1000kW should be adopted to reduce the operation cost and storage of spare parts. When the number is small, select one with small power. Such as 1 set of 1000kW plus 1 set of 500kW, so as to adjust the output power when the gas supply changes greatly, so as to ensure that the generator set can output at more than 70% of the power;
The above is about the precautions for the purchase of biogas generator set, or purchase according to your actual situation. If you don't understand, you can ask professional salesperson.
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隨著工業(yè)化的不斷發(fā)展,現(xiàn)在的生活或工業(yè)生產(chǎn)垃圾填埋后經(jīng)連續(xù)發(fā)酵會(huì)形成富含甲烷氣體的很多沼氣,搜集并開發(fā)利用沼氣不但能夠高 效防控有害氣體環(huán)境污染還能產(chǎn)生社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。如何利用沼氣來發(fā)揮價(jià)值呢,今天帶大家一起來學(xué)習(xí)一下:如何挑選沼氣發(fā)電機(jī)組?
With the continuous development of industrialization, many biogas rich in methane gas will be formed after continuous fermentation of domestic or industrial production waste landfill. The collection, development and utilization of biogas can not only effectively prevent and control harmful gas environmental pollution, but also produce social and economic benefits. How to use biogas to bring value into play? Today, let's learn: how to select biogas generator sets?
Jinan jichai Huanneng gas-fired power generation equipment large-scale biogas generator set manufacturer summarizes several suggestions when selecting biogas generator set procurement:
1. Select the appropriate installed capacity according to the biogas production to prevent the idle use of machinery and equipment or the waste of biogas;
2. The market share of biogas generators of about 1000kW is high, the price is high, and the cost of maintenance, overhaul and maintenance is relatively low;
3. When there are multiple generator sets, the same specification and model of about 1000kW should be adopted to reduce the operation cost and storage of spare parts. When the number is small, select one with small power. Such as 1 set of 1000kW plus 1 set of 500kW, so as to adjust the output power when the gas supply changes greatly, so as to ensure that the generator set can output at more than 70% of the power;
The above is about the precautions for the purchase of biogas generator set, or purchase according to your actual situation. If you don't understand, you can ask professional salesperson.