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返回 2021.10.13 來源:http://www.51credits.cn 0
Generator set is a complete set of mechanical equipment that converts other forms of energy into electric energy. It has low fuel consumption, low emission, low noise, advanced technology, reliable operation, convenient maintenance, long service life, light weight and portability, high emergency efficiency and low comprehensive cost. It is widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense, science and technology and daily life.
In recent years, with the progress of technology, as an excellent choice for household emergency power supply and field travel power supply, the power supply range of the generator set itself is limited and the place of use can be easily replaced; Thunderstorm weather can be placed indoors, but sometimes the generator set needs to be used outdoors. In case of bad weather, the lightning protection of the equipment will be involved. What specific steps do the lightning protection of the generator set need?
First of all, it is necessary to determine the lightning protection mode of the generator set, mainly according to the generator capacity, the strength of local lightning activity and the requirements for power supply reliability.
Theory and practice have proved that as long as the transformer is reliably protected, the generator set connected to the overhead transmission line after passing through the transformer generally does not need to take lightning protection measures for the generator set. In the lightning area, the particularly important generator set without overhead direct wiring, in order to prevent the lightning wave on the high-voltage side of the transformer from endangering the insulation of the generator through the transformer, A set of magnetic blow arresters should be installed on the outgoing line of the generator.
直接與架空配電線路連接的發(fā)電機(jī)組必 須進(jìn)行防雷保護(hù),應(yīng)根據(jù)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范的規(guī)定,按不同情況對(duì)發(fā)電機(jī)組絕緣采取不同的防雷保護(hù)措施。保護(hù)高壓旋轉(zhuǎn)電機(jī)用的避雷器,一般采用磁吹避雷器,避雷器宜靠近發(fā)電機(jī)組。在一般情況下,避雷器可裝在電機(jī)出線處;
The generator set directly connected to the overhead distribution line must be protected against lightning, and different lightning protection measures shall be taken for the insulation of the generator set according to different conditions according to the provisions of the national standard design code. The lightning arrester for protecting high-voltage rotating motor generally adopts magnetic blowing lightning arrester, and the lightning arrester should be close to the generator set. In general, the lightning arrester can be installed at the outgoing line of the motor;
如接在每一組母線上的發(fā)電機(jī)不超過兩臺(tái),或單機(jī)容量不超過500kw,且與避雷器的距離不超過50m時(shí),避雷器也可裝在每一組母線上當(dāng)直配電機(jī)中性點(diǎn)能引出且未直接接地時(shí),應(yīng)在中性點(diǎn)上裝設(shè)磁吹或普通閥型避雷器。戶外使用發(fā)電機(jī)組一定要注意防雷,確保人身安 全。
If there are not more than two generators connected to each group of bus, or the single unit capacity is not more than 500kW, and the distance from the lightning arrester is not more than 50m, the lightning arrester can also be installed on each group of bus. When the neutral point of direct distribution motor can be led out and is not directly grounded, magnetic blowing or ordinary valve type lightning arrester shall be installed on the neutral point. Pay attention to lightning protection when using generator sets outdoors to ensure personal safety.
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Generator set is a complete set of mechanical equipment that converts other forms of energy into electric energy. It has low fuel consumption, low emission, low noise, advanced technology, reliable operation, convenient maintenance, long service life, light weight and portability, high emergency efficiency and low comprehensive cost. It is widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense, science and technology and daily life.
In recent years, with the progress of technology, as an excellent choice for household emergency power supply and field travel power supply, the power supply range of the generator set itself is limited and the place of use can be easily replaced; Thunderstorm weather can be placed indoors, but sometimes the generator set needs to be used outdoors. In case of bad weather, the lightning protection of the equipment will be involved. What specific steps do the lightning protection of the generator set need?
First of all, it is necessary to determine the lightning protection mode of the generator set, mainly according to the generator capacity, the strength of local lightning activity and the requirements for power supply reliability.
Theory and practice have proved that as long as the transformer is reliably protected, the generator set connected to the overhead transmission line after passing through the transformer generally does not need to take lightning protection measures for the generator set. In the lightning area, the particularly important generator set without overhead direct wiring, in order to prevent the lightning wave on the high-voltage side of the transformer from endangering the insulation of the generator through the transformer, A set of magnetic blow arresters should be installed on the outgoing line of the generator.
直接與架空配電線路連接的發(fā)電機(jī)組必 須進(jìn)行防雷保護(hù),應(yīng)根據(jù)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范的規(guī)定,按不同情況對(duì)發(fā)電機(jī)組絕緣采取不同的防雷保護(hù)措施。保護(hù)高壓旋轉(zhuǎn)電機(jī)用的避雷器,一般采用磁吹避雷器,避雷器宜靠近發(fā)電機(jī)組。在一般情況下,避雷器可裝在電機(jī)出線處;
The generator set directly connected to the overhead distribution line must be protected against lightning, and different lightning protection measures shall be taken for the insulation of the generator set according to different conditions according to the provisions of the national standard design code. The lightning arrester for protecting high-voltage rotating motor generally adopts magnetic blowing lightning arrester, and the lightning arrester should be close to the generator set. In general, the lightning arrester can be installed at the outgoing line of the motor;
如接在每一組母線上的發(fā)電機(jī)不超過兩臺(tái),或單機(jī)容量不超過500kw,且與避雷器的距離不超過50m時(shí),避雷器也可裝在每一組母線上當(dāng)直配電機(jī)中性點(diǎn)能引出且未直接接地時(shí),應(yīng)在中性點(diǎn)上裝設(shè)磁吹或普通閥型避雷器。戶外使用發(fā)電機(jī)組一定要注意防雷,確保人身安 全。
If there are not more than two generators connected to each group of bus, or the single unit capacity is not more than 500kW, and the distance from the lightning arrester is not more than 50m, the lightning arrester can also be installed on each group of bus. When the neutral point of direct distribution motor can be led out and is not directly grounded, magnetic blowing or ordinary valve type lightning arrester shall be installed on the neutral point. Pay attention to lightning protection when using generator sets outdoors to ensure personal safety.