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The structure and principle of permanent magnet machine and exciter are the same as that of generator, both of which are wire cutting magnetic force line. In other words, there are three generators of different sizes hidden in a complete generator.
①  當(dāng)發(fā)電機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)時(shí),永磁機(jī)里的磁場(chǎng)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),定子線圈中發(fā)出相對(duì)較弱的三相交流電,送往調(diào)壓模塊,作為勵(lì)磁的電源。
① When the generator rotates, the magnetic field in the permanent magnet machine rotates, and the relatively weak three-phase alternating current from the stator coil is sent to the voltage regulating module as the excitation power supply.
②  勵(lì)磁電源經(jīng)過(guò)調(diào)壓模塊的整流后,變成直流,送進(jìn)勵(lì)磁機(jī)定子,勵(lì)磁機(jī)開(kāi)始發(fā)電。
② After rectifying the voltage regulating module, the excitation power supply becomes DC, which is sent to the exciter stator, and the exciter starts to generate electricity.
③  勵(lì)磁機(jī)發(fā)出的交流電經(jīng)過(guò)一套整流模塊(旋轉(zhuǎn)二極管)進(jìn)行整流,送往發(fā)電機(jī)主轉(zhuǎn)子。這部分直流電就是所謂的“勵(lì)磁電流”。
③ The AC power from the exciter is rectified by a set of rectifier module (rotating diode) and sent to the main rotor of the generator. This part of direct current is called "excitation current".
④  主轉(zhuǎn)子建立磁場(chǎng),從主定子輸出更終的三相交流電。
④ The main rotor establishes the magnetic field and outputs the final three-phase alternating current from the main stator.
Compared with large units such as thermal power, hydropower and other large-scale units, the excitation system of internal combustion engine is very simple, and the relevant parameters and protection are relatively small. Generally, only two parameters of excitation voltage and excitation current can be seen. In some systems, even these two data are not sent out. If you want to see the excitation voltage and current, please connect to the computer.
Active and reactive power control
The active power and reactive power of the generator are controlled separately, which are two completely different ways.
The active power corresponds to the shaft output power of the engine. If the active power is increased, the engine throttle should be opened up, and the gas / fuel consumption will increase. This part is controlled by the speed control system of the engine and has nothing to do with the generator.
The reactive power corresponds to the magnetic field of the main rotor. To improve the reactive power, it is necessary to increase the magnetic field strength of the main rotor and increase the excitation voltage. This part is controlled by the voltage regulating system of the generator, that is, the voltage regulating module, and has nothing to do with the engine.
Although active power and reactive power are separated in control, they both increase or decrease proportionally in distributed projects. This is because distributed projects usually operate in the mode of fixed power factor operation, and the proportion of active and reactive power is locked. When we artificially adjust the active power, reactive power will automatically follow the regulation.
Gas generator set to tell you about the gas generator excitation system? Everyone in the purchase process must be based on their own needs to consider!
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The structure and principle of permanent magnet machine and exciter are the same as that of generator, both of which are wire cutting magnetic force line. In other words, there are three generators of different sizes hidden in a complete generator.
①  當(dāng)發(fā)電機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)時(shí),永磁機(jī)里的磁場(chǎng)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),定子線圈中發(fā)出相對(duì)較弱的三相交流電,送往調(diào)壓模塊,作為勵(lì)磁的電源。
① When the generator rotates, the magnetic field in the permanent magnet machine rotates, and the relatively weak three-phase alternating current from the stator coil is sent to the voltage regulating module as the excitation power supply.
②  勵(lì)磁電源經(jīng)過(guò)調(diào)壓模塊的整流后,變成直流,送進(jìn)勵(lì)磁機(jī)定子,勵(lì)磁機(jī)開(kāi)始發(fā)電。
② After rectifying the voltage regulating module, the excitation power supply becomes DC, which is sent to the exciter stator, and the exciter starts to generate electricity.
③  勵(lì)磁機(jī)發(fā)出的交流電經(jīng)過(guò)一套整流模塊(旋轉(zhuǎn)二極管)進(jìn)行整流,送往發(fā)電機(jī)主轉(zhuǎn)子。這部分直流電就是所謂的“勵(lì)磁電流”。
③ The AC power from the exciter is rectified by a set of rectifier module (rotating diode) and sent to the main rotor of the generator. This part of direct current is called "excitation current".
④  主轉(zhuǎn)子建立磁場(chǎng),從主定子輸出更終的三相交流電。
④ The main rotor establishes the magnetic field and outputs the final three-phase alternating current from the main stator.
Compared with large units such as thermal power, hydropower and other large-scale units, the excitation system of internal combustion engine is very simple, and the relevant parameters and protection are relatively small. Generally, only two parameters of excitation voltage and excitation current can be seen. In some systems, even these two data are not sent out. If you want to see the excitation voltage and current, please connect to the computer.
Active and reactive power control
The active power and reactive power of the generator are controlled separately, which are two completely different ways.
The active power corresponds to the shaft output power of the engine. If the active power is increased, the engine throttle should be opened up, and the gas / fuel consumption will increase. This part is controlled by the speed control system of the engine and has nothing to do with the generator.
The reactive power corresponds to the magnetic field of the main rotor. To improve the reactive power, it is necessary to increase the magnetic field strength of the main rotor and increase the excitation voltage. This part is controlled by the voltage regulating system of the generator, that is, the voltage regulating module, and has nothing to do with the engine.
Although active power and reactive power are separated in control, they both increase or decrease proportionally in distributed projects. This is because distributed projects usually operate in the mode of fixed power factor operation, and the proportion of active and reactive power is locked. When we artificially adjust the active power, reactive power will automatically follow the regulation.
Gas generator set to tell you about the gas generator excitation system? Everyone in the purchase process must be based on their own needs to consider!