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返回 2020.05.11 來(lái)源:http://www.51credits.cn 0
  There are many reasons why the generator can't produce voltage, and many reasons need to be analyzed in different excitation systems. Taking the self-excited generator as an example, several basic reasons why the generator can not produce voltage are analyzed.
  The speed of the physical process of voltage build-up is from the prime mover of generator to the rated speed. The residual magnetism of rotor field winding L cuts the stator winding. There is a small residual magnetism of stator winding electromotive force. There is a very low residual magnetism voltage generator outlet end, which is input into the regulation system. After a small residual magnetism current U rectifier is added, the field winding is added, the rotor field is enhanced, the stator electromotive force and the excitation current are increased, So cycle by increasing the rated voltage of the generator.
  1. 交流發(fā)電機(jī)電壓構(gòu)成的必要條件
  1. Necessary conditions for voltage composition of alternator
  (1) The excitation winding of the rotor must have remanence, and the remanence must be strong enough, otherwise the stator winding cannot produce enough remanence or the voltage is too low, and the remanence current is approximately 0.
  (2) The speed shall be high enough (close to the rated speed) so that the residual magnetic field can cut off the stator winding at high speed and the induced residual electromotive force is large enough.
  (3) The polarity shall be correct, that is to say, the magnetic field generated by converting the residual voltage of each device into the excitation current shall be strengthened, otherwise it will cancel each other.
  2. 發(fā)電機(jī)不能建成的原因及處理方法
  2. Reasons for the failure of the generator to be built and Solutions
  (1) The remanence direction is opposite to the excitation current direction, i.e. the polarity is opposite. You can change the two ends of the excitation coil and try to find out.
  (2)剩磁喪失或剩磁過(guò)弱。工作或長(zhǎng)期未使用的發(fā)電機(jī)應(yīng)注意檢查殘余磁性,檢查的方法是測(cè)量發(fā)電機(jī)端電壓速度接近額定轉(zhuǎn)速時(shí),如果它能達(dá)到IOV,這意味著殘余磁性是正常的,否則,6 ~ 12 v直流可以直接連接到正負(fù)兩極的勵(lì)磁繞組。
  (2) Loss of or over weakening of remanence. For the first working or long-term unused generator, pay attention to check the residual magnetism. When the voltage speed at the generator end is close to the rated speed, if it can reach IOV, it means that the residual magnetism is normal. Otherwise, 6-12V DC can be directly connected to the excitation winding at the positive and negative poles.
  (3) The speed is too low. At this time, it can only be measured according to the tachometer or specific measurement of the prime mover.
  (4) Sometimes the voltage of the generator is normal, but because the voltmeter has no indication, it is easy to cause illusion. Pay attention to check whether the voltmeter and its wiring are correct and whether the fuse is blown.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the coking generator set manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.51credits.cn
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  There are many reasons why the generator can't produce voltage, and many reasons need to be analyzed in different excitation systems. Taking the self-excited generator as an example, several basic reasons why the generator can not produce voltage are analyzed.
  The speed of the physical process of voltage build-up is from the prime mover of generator to the rated speed. The residual magnetism of rotor field winding L cuts the stator winding. There is a small residual magnetism of stator winding electromotive force. There is a very low residual magnetism voltage generator outlet end, which is input into the regulation system. After a small residual magnetism current U rectifier is added, the field winding is added, the rotor field is enhanced, the stator electromotive force and the excitation current are increased, So cycle by increasing the rated voltage of the generator.
  1. 交流發(fā)電機(jī)電壓構(gòu)成的必要條件
  1. Necessary conditions for voltage composition of alternator
  (1) The excitation winding of the rotor must have remanence, and the remanence must be strong enough, otherwise the stator winding cannot produce enough remanence or the voltage is too low, and the remanence current is approximately 0.
  (2) The speed shall be high enough (close to the rated speed) so that the residual magnetic field can cut off the stator winding at high speed and the induced residual electromotive force is large enough.
  (3) The polarity shall be correct, that is to say, the magnetic field generated by converting the residual voltage of each device into the excitation current shall be strengthened, otherwise it will cancel each other.
  2. 發(fā)電機(jī)不能建成的原因及處理方法
  2. Reasons for the failure of the generator to be built and Solutions
  (1) The remanence direction is opposite to the excitation current direction, i.e. the polarity is opposite. You can change the two ends of the excitation coil and try to find out.
  (2)剩磁喪失或剩磁過(guò)弱。工作或長(zhǎng)期未使用的發(fā)電機(jī)應(yīng)注意檢查殘余磁性,檢查的方法是測(cè)量發(fā)電機(jī)端電壓速度接近額定轉(zhuǎn)速時(shí),如果它能達(dá)到IOV,這意味著殘余磁性是正常的,否則,6 ~ 12 v直流可以直接連接到正負(fù)兩極的勵(lì)磁繞組。
  (2) Loss of or over weakening of remanence. For the first working or long-term unused generator, pay attention to check the residual magnetism. When the voltage speed at the generator end is close to the rated speed, if it can reach IOV, it means that the residual magnetism is normal. Otherwise, 6-12V DC can be directly connected to the excitation winding at the positive and negative poles.
  (3) The speed is too low. At this time, it can only be measured according to the tachometer or specific measurement of the prime mover.
  (4) Sometimes the voltage of the generator is normal, but because the voltmeter has no indication, it is easy to cause illusion. Pay attention to check whether the voltmeter and its wiring are correct and whether the fuse is blown.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the coking generator set manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.51credits.cn