



返回 2020.03.02 來源:http://www.51credits.cn 0

  From the safety point of view, coalbed methane mining is to improve the safety of coal mines and reduce accidents. From the perspective of utilization, it is necessary to obtain quite a lot of new energy; from the perspective of environmental protection, it is necessary to make full use of the zero emission after mining, otherwise it will not only waste resources, but also affect the atmosphere. However, the utilization rate of coalbed methane in China is not high. Taking 2012 as an example, the output of coalbed methane is 12.602 billion cubic meters, with a mining rate of 41.72%. Among them, the underground mining rate is 2.573 billion cubic meters, with a mining rate of 78.4%, and the underground mining rate is 10.03 billion cubic meters, with a mining rate of 32.3%.


  Obviously, the key to improve the utilization rate of coalbed methane is the underground mining and utilization technology.


 Therefore, low concentration gas purification technology, high power and high parameter internal combustion engine direct power generation, PSA purification technology and so on came into being.


  The technology and industrial demonstration of CNG (compressed natural gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas) production by separating methane with low concentration oxygen are mainly used to extract oxygen gas. Through pressure swing adsorption technology combined with explosion suppression technology, the purification of low concentration gas is realized. The oxygen content is less than 0.5%, fully meeting the quality requirements of compressed natural gas.

  產生的壓縮天然氣每標準平方消耗約1千瓦時。通過該工藝,將瓦斯?jié)舛扔?%凈化至95%,壓縮至20 mpa以上的合格CNG,每立方米電耗1.7 KWH,循環(huán)水消耗0.2立方米。如果甲烷是分為液化天然氣生產成本每立方米(包括正常操作的水和電力消耗,設備折舊、運營管理費用,維護成本)是1.4 - -1.6元,氣體源成本是0.4元,總成本大約是2元,和工廠批發(fā)價格可以達到4元,意義2元的利潤。例如,該公司在重慶的項目總投資為2.5億元人民幣,預計將在三年內收回成本。用可回收的非常規(guī)天然氣補充清潔能源,可以緩解當地對清潔能源的需求,創(chuàng)造當地就業(yè)機會,并提供稅收收入。如果國家對含氧天然氣非常規(guī)天然氣裝置的生產給予天然氣和天然氣發(fā)電同樣的激勵,經濟效益會更好,對行業(yè)的發(fā)展會起到積極的作用。

  The compressed natural gas produced consumes about 1 kwh per standard square meter. Through this process, the gas concentration is purified from 5% to 95%, compressed to a qualified CNG of more than 20 MPa, the power consumption per cubic meter is 1.7 kwh, and the circulating water consumption is 0.2 cubic meter. If methane is divided into LNG production cost per cubic meter (including normal operation water and power consumption, equipment depreciation, operation and management costs, maintenance costs), it is 1.4-1.6 yuan, gas source cost is 0.4 yuan, total cost is about 2 yuan, and the factory wholesale price can reach 4 yuan, meaning 2 yuan of profit. For example, the company's total investment in Chongqing is 250 million yuan, and it is expected to recover costs within three years. Supplementing clean energy with recoverable unconventional natural gas can alleviate local demand for clean energy, create local employment opportunities and provide tax revenue. If the state gives the same incentives to the production of unconventional natural gas plants with oxygen, the economic benefits will be better and the development of the industry will play a positive role.


  There are still bottlenecks in natural gas power generation. If the small amount of gas in the coal mine is not enough, power generation will be uneconomical; however, due to the large amount of air in the coal mine, the coal mine needs to be transported out of the mining area. In addition, the grid coordination is not very smooth. Natural gas power generation also has seasonal factors, full load in summer and insufficient in winter.


  濟柴瓦斯發(fā)電機組采用電控燃氣混合器技術,以適應氣體濃度的變化,適合我國煤礦數量多、數量少的特點。同時,發(fā)明了低濃度氣體安全輸送技術,采用細水霧技術解決了低濃度氣體地面安全輸送問題。本文來源:http://www.51credits.cnJichai gas generator set adopts electric control gas mixer technology to adapt to the change of gas concentration, which is suitable for the characteristics of more and less coal mines in China. At the same time, the safe transportation technology of low concentration gas is invented, and the water mist technology is adopted to solve the problem of safe transportation of low concentration gas on the ground. Source: http://www.51credits.cn

  • 服務熱線




  From the safety point of view, coalbed methane mining is to improve the safety of coal mines and reduce accidents. From the perspective of utilization, it is necessary to obtain quite a lot of new energy; from the perspective of environmental protection, it is necessary to make full use of the zero emission after mining, otherwise it will not only waste resources, but also affect the atmosphere. However, the utilization rate of coalbed methane in China is not high. Taking 2012 as an example, the output of coalbed methane is 12.602 billion cubic meters, with a mining rate of 41.72%. Among them, the underground mining rate is 2.573 billion cubic meters, with a mining rate of 78.4%, and the underground mining rate is 10.03 billion cubic meters, with a mining rate of 32.3%.


  Obviously, the key to improve the utilization rate of coalbed methane is the underground mining and utilization technology.


 Therefore, low concentration gas purification technology, high power and high parameter internal combustion engine direct power generation, PSA purification technology and so on came into being.


  The technology and industrial demonstration of CNG (compressed natural gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas) production by separating methane with low concentration oxygen are mainly used to extract oxygen gas. Through pressure swing adsorption technology combined with explosion suppression technology, the purification of low concentration gas is realized. The oxygen content is less than 0.5%, fully meeting the quality requirements of compressed natural gas.

  產生的壓縮天然氣每標準平方消耗約1千瓦時。通過該工藝,將瓦斯?jié)舛扔?%凈化至95%,壓縮至20 mpa以上的合格CNG,每立方米電耗1.7 KWH,循環(huán)水消耗0.2立方米。如果甲烷是分為液化天然氣生產成本每立方米(包括正常操作的水和電力消耗,設備折舊、運營管理費用,維護成本)是1.4 - -1.6元,氣體源成本是0.4元,總成本大約是2元,和工廠批發(fā)價格可以達到4元,意義2元的利潤。例如,該公司在重慶的項目總投資為2.5億元人民幣,預計將在三年內收回成本。用可回收的非常規(guī)天然氣補充清潔能源,可以緩解當地對清潔能源的需求,創(chuàng)造當地就業(yè)機會,并提供稅收收入。如果國家對含氧天然氣非常規(guī)天然氣裝置的生產給予天然氣和天然氣發(fā)電同樣的激勵,經濟效益會更好,對行業(yè)的發(fā)展會起到積極的作用。

  The compressed natural gas produced consumes about 1 kwh per standard square meter. Through this process, the gas concentration is purified from 5% to 95%, compressed to a qualified CNG of more than 20 MPa, the power consumption per cubic meter is 1.7 kwh, and the circulating water consumption is 0.2 cubic meter. If methane is divided into LNG production cost per cubic meter (including normal operation water and power consumption, equipment depreciation, operation and management costs, maintenance costs), it is 1.4-1.6 yuan, gas source cost is 0.4 yuan, total cost is about 2 yuan, and the factory wholesale price can reach 4 yuan, meaning 2 yuan of profit. For example, the company's total investment in Chongqing is 250 million yuan, and it is expected to recover costs within three years. Supplementing clean energy with recoverable unconventional natural gas can alleviate local demand for clean energy, create local employment opportunities and provide tax revenue. If the state gives the same incentives to the production of unconventional natural gas plants with oxygen, the economic benefits will be better and the development of the industry will play a positive role.


  There are still bottlenecks in natural gas power generation. If the small amount of gas in the coal mine is not enough, power generation will be uneconomical; however, due to the large amount of air in the coal mine, the coal mine needs to be transported out of the mining area. In addition, the grid coordination is not very smooth. Natural gas power generation also has seasonal factors, full load in summer and insufficient in winter.


  濟柴瓦斯發(fā)電機組采用電控燃氣混合器技術,以適應氣體濃度的變化,適合我國煤礦數量多、數量少的特點。同時,發(fā)明了低濃度氣體安全輸送技術,采用細水霧技術解決了低濃度氣體地面安全輸送問題。本文來源:http://www.51credits.cnJichai gas generator set adopts electric control gas mixer technology to adapt to the change of gas concentration, which is suitable for the characteristics of more and less coal mines in China. At the same time, the safe transportation technology of low concentration gas is invented, and the water mist technology is adopted to solve the problem of safe transportation of low concentration gas on the ground. Source: http://www.51credits.cn