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返回 2020.03.27 來源:http://www.51credits.cn 0
  In view of the direct maintenance of the generator fault of the gas generator set, today, we will simply analyze the fault of the generator system to prevent the emergency.
  The common faults of the general charging system are non charging, charging current is too large, too small, unstable, etc.
  1. Fault phenomenon: no charging
  When the generator is running at medium speed, the ammeter indicates discharge or charging.
  Cause of failure
  (1) The connection wire of the charging system is short circuited.
  (2) Belt slipping due to excessive wear and looseness(3)調(diào)節(jié)器失靈;如低速電氧化,正常閉合;高速觸點相互接觸;不良的搭接或彈簧彈簧彈性減弱,調(diào)節(jié)電壓值低于電池的電動勢。
  (3) The regulator fails; such as low-speed electric oxidation, normal closing; high-speed contacts contact each other; poor lap or spring spring elasticity weakening, and the regulating voltage value is lower than the electromotive force of the battery.
  (4) Internal faults of the generator, such as short circuit between three-phase windings of the stator or iron block fault; the brush is stuck in the brush frame, unable to contact with the slip ring, etc., resulting in the generator unable to generate electricity. When a fault is detected, it can be checked as follows:
  (1) Check whether the charging system wiring is reliable.
  (2) Check whether the belt is loosened. The judgment method can be the middle point of thumb pressure belt, and the deflection is about 10 mm. If relaxed, the belt can be tensioned or replaced with a new one.
  (3) Check whether the charging circuit and excitation circuit are damaged. A multimeter or test lamp can be used to find out the fracture by local method after the whole and then eliminate it.
  (4) Determine the problem with the generator or regulator. Connect the "+" and "F" terminals on the voltage regulator with wires, then start the engine, run it and observe the ammeter. If charging is indicated, the generator is working normally and the fault is in the regulator. If the ammeter still shows a discharge, or if the charge indicator is not off, the generator will not charge.
  2、 Fault phenomenon: charging current is too small當(dāng)發(fā)動機以中速運行時,電流表指示充電電流太小。當(dāng)連接大功率的前照燈或電氣設(shè)備時,電流表顯示充電電流進(jìn)一步減小或放電。
  When the engine is running at medium speed, the ammeter indicates that the charging current is too small. When a high-power headlamp or electrical equipment is connected, the ammeter indicates that the charging current is further reduced or discharged.
  2) Cause of failure
  (1) The drive belt is loose causing slippage.
  (2) The charging wire is poorly wired.
  (3) There is an internal fault in this alternator. The stator winding has poor phase connection or disconnection; the brush is worn too much and the spring elasticity is weakened, which makes the brush and slip ring contact poorly.
  (4) There is something wrong with the regulator. For example, the low-speed electric shock oxidizes the poor contact; the spring elastic force reduces, the regulating voltage is too low. 3. The fault phenomenon: the charging current is too large. When the generator is running at medium speed, the ammeter indicates the high current to charge (more than 30a), the battery electrolyte consumption is too fast, the generator is easy to overheat, and the lamp bubble is easy to burn.
  以上是燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機組廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.51credits.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator unit manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.51credits.cn
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  In view of the direct maintenance of the generator fault of the gas generator set, today, we will simply analyze the fault of the generator system to prevent the emergency.
  The common faults of the general charging system are non charging, charging current is too large, too small, unstable, etc.
  1. Fault phenomenon: no charging
  When the generator is running at medium speed, the ammeter indicates discharge or charging.
  Cause of failure
  (1) The connection wire of the charging system is short circuited.
  (2) Belt slipping due to excessive wear and looseness(3)調(diào)節(jié)器失靈;如低速電氧化,正常閉合;高速觸點相互接觸;不良的搭接或彈簧彈簧彈性減弱,調(diào)節(jié)電壓值低于電池的電動勢。
  (3) The regulator fails; such as low-speed electric oxidation, normal closing; high-speed contacts contact each other; poor lap or spring spring elasticity weakening, and the regulating voltage value is lower than the electromotive force of the battery.
  (4) Internal faults of the generator, such as short circuit between three-phase windings of the stator or iron block fault; the brush is stuck in the brush frame, unable to contact with the slip ring, etc., resulting in the generator unable to generate electricity. When a fault is detected, it can be checked as follows:
  (1) Check whether the charging system wiring is reliable.
  (2) Check whether the belt is loosened. The judgment method can be the middle point of thumb pressure belt, and the deflection is about 10 mm. If relaxed, the belt can be tensioned or replaced with a new one.
  (3) Check whether the charging circuit and excitation circuit are damaged. A multimeter or test lamp can be used to find out the fracture by local method after the whole and then eliminate it.
  (4) Determine the problem with the generator or regulator. Connect the "+" and "F" terminals on the voltage regulator with wires, then start the engine, run it and observe the ammeter. If charging is indicated, the generator is working normally and the fault is in the regulator. If the ammeter still shows a discharge, or if the charge indicator is not off, the generator will not charge.
  2、 Fault phenomenon: charging current is too small當(dāng)發(fā)動機以中速運行時,電流表指示充電電流太小。當(dāng)連接大功率的前照燈或電氣設(shè)備時,電流表顯示充電電流進(jìn)一步減小或放電。
  When the engine is running at medium speed, the ammeter indicates that the charging current is too small. When a high-power headlamp or electrical equipment is connected, the ammeter indicates that the charging current is further reduced or discharged.
  2) Cause of failure
  (1) The drive belt is loose causing slippage.
  (2) The charging wire is poorly wired.
  (3) There is an internal fault in this alternator. The stator winding has poor phase connection or disconnection; the brush is worn too much and the spring elasticity is weakened, which makes the brush and slip ring contact poorly.
  (4) There is something wrong with the regulator. For example, the low-speed electric shock oxidizes the poor contact; the spring elastic force reduces, the regulating voltage is too low. 3. The fault phenomenon: the charging current is too large. When the generator is running at medium speed, the ammeter indicates the high current to charge (more than 30a), the battery electrolyte consumption is too fast, the generator is easy to overheat, and the lamp bubble is easy to burn.
  以上是燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機組廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.51credits.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator unit manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.51credits.cn